Anyone can set up a company, but not a high-tech one. Where advanced technology is involved - where we deal with such complex innovations as drugs, chemistry, electronics or aerospace technology - there is not much room for graduate’s enthusiasm and an idea written on a one page. Here you need extensive know-how and experience. What is the population of tech startups in Poland? Who are the founders of Polish technology startups and who controls them? Are there women among founders and shareholders? Is a startup a work of solo entrepreneur or a team work? How is the shareholder structure changing over time and who are the investors in startups? Do they generate any incomes and profits? Answers to these questions you can find in the newly published report TECH STARTUPS POLAND 2021 prepared by the Taylor Economics team, whose partners are the National Center for Research and Development and Infoshare.
The ownership structure of tech start-ups at the time of their inception shows quite a significant concentration. Corporate power, which is not surprising, lies in the founders hands. On average start-up founders (counting natural persons only) holds altogether 86% of shares. Having in mind the fact that statistically, there are 2.4 of founders per startup, it is not difficult to calculate that a single stake of shares must be significant. In fact, the data show that the average stake per head of one founder is about 33% of shares. You can read more about Polish tech startups structure in the our latest report TECH STARTUPS POLAND 2021. The report's partner is National Centre for Research and Development and Infoshare.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not "youngsters" who create tech start-ups, but middle-age people with extensive professional know-how and life experience. According to a report by Taylor Economics, the average age of a tech founder is about 39 years. Tech companies are rarely the work of solo entrepreneurs. Usually, teams of 2-3 people are involved in setting up such companies. These data correspond with the data from Western countries - there are generally 2-3 founders onboard of startups and they are on average 38-39 years old. So, we do not stand out from the European start-up peloton. Read the report prepared by Taylor Economics to learn more on Polish tech start-ups. The report's partner is National Centre for Research and Development and Infoshare.
39 is the average age of a Polish tech startup founder. Are the founders of Polish startups too young or too old? To find out more read the Report by Taylor Economics. The report's partners are the National Centre for Research and Development and Infoshare.
20% of tech startup founders are women. Is that right or wrong? How is it in other countries? To find out more read the Report by Taylor Economics.
Average founder of a tech startup usually holds 33% of shares. What is the ownership structure of tech startups? To learn more read the Report by Taylor Economics.
Probably not too many knows what mRNA is, although most of us have dealt with “it” while taking the coronavirus vaccine. See the report by Taylor Economics to learn more on ExploRNA company and other tech startups.
Will 3 million Polish diabetics replace the needle with a sensor? To find out more see the report by Taylor Economics to learn more on Polish tech startups.
27 public VC funds injected about EUR 11 million in 23 startups in 2021. About structure of tech startup founders and investors read the report by Taylor Economics.
One year after the company was founded, revenues are recorded by 67% of companies and profit is reported by 17% of companies. However, a well-managed startup is able to achieve rapid growth in sales, and the presence of an equity investor is a buffer that decreases the risk of bankruptcy. On Polish tech start-ups see the report by Taylor Economics.
In the first few years after the startup is born, founders’ shares generally decrease by approx. 10 percentage points. Who joins startups and are VC funds among these new faces? Read about it in the report by Taylor Economics.
With the still relatively weak capital market, virtually every tech startup tries to get a grant, including for the realization R&D projects. And he generally succeeds. Subsidies in the total amount of EUR 64 million flowed to 59 companies established in the years 2016–2019. More on that issue can be found in the report prepared by Taylor Economics.
“...Although the share of VC funds in the ownership of tech companies is steadily growing, it is still small, however, more often than not-startups they perceive VC as business partners...” says Włodzimierz Kuc Director of Financial Instruments Department at National Centre for Research and Development in his comment to the report prepeared by Taylor Economics.